Membership Checkout

IMPORTANT NOTICE: You should create a unique username and password for this site that you do not use for any other website logins. While all of your payment information will be fully protected, your site login credentials may not be. Your user account is only created once your payment has been successfully processed.

PASSWORD: Use a password with no spaces or special characters. If you use a password with unsupported characters, you will get the following error message: “security header not valid.”

Membership Information

You have selected the 2 Year Membership (July 2020 - June 2022) membership level.

Select this option to join the Delta Sigma Pi San Francisco Bay Area Alumni Chapter for two years as a dues paid member for the July 2020 - June 2022 fiscal years.

The price for membership is $45.00 now.

Membership expires after 2 Years.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

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